Good morning

Recently played (a kin list?)

about me

margaux star (she/they) is a disabled, militant woman in her twenties. at her best, she's The Magician: curious, clever, charming, and open-hearted; a life-force beyond belief. though mostly, she may just drink too much coffee and get very little sleep, which often results in mortifying typos. She loves being given cute nicknames (e.g,, mahal, dear, irog, beloved), just don't ever call her ate/sis or baby.

astro: sun in gemini • moon in cancer • mercury in cancer • asc in cancer • venus in leo
mbti/ennegram: INFJ/6w7

she's building a house in her heart.




dishonesty • indecisiveness, caprice • ambiguity • poor listeners • bad faith (all-Edge-no-point) • big crowds, extended periods in social settings • being interrupted or talked over • unwarranted 'playful' rudeness • overly-sexual strangers